Free Novel Read

Laura Legend

author : Laura Legend

I've read all kinds of books in my life. Big Important Books. Falling-apart-from-use books. Comic books. Books with no pictures that I wish had been comic books. Cookbooks. Pulp fiction. Histories. Biographies. You get the idea. \n\nAnd one day I just reached a point where I wanted to write the kinds of stories I really enjoy reading—stories with humor, action, and all kinds of supernatural shenanigans. And a kick ass heroine who's a real person, with the messy and meaningful challenges real people face in life. \n\nWhen I'm not writing, I'm outside working in the garden, playing Pokemon Go with my kids, or trying to convince our crazy dog that she really does like baths. Hope your day is full of awesome—thanks for stopping by!

Laura Legend Book Series